Error: Unable to set cookie, initialize this class before any html output on page is displayed. GHIDAYAT IBRAQIMOV - بانک اطلاعات ورزشی 02177244879

  • InterNational Sport Database
به بانک اطلاعات ورزشی خوش آمدید!                       بانک اطلاعات ورزشی دارنده رتبه اول فستیوال جهانی a78 می باشد!                       بانک اطلاعات ورزشی دارنده رتبه اول جستجوی بانک اطلاعات ورزشی گوگل می باشد!                       بانک اطلاعات ورزشی در ستاد ساماندهی ورزات فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی ثبت گردیده است!



  • ورزش های رزمی مربیان
  • 11789 بازدید
  • تاریخ ثبت پروفایل : ۱۳۹۴/۰۵/۱۵
  • آخرین بروز رسانی : ۱۳۹۴/۰۶/۱۴

Was born in a settlement - “Allavar”, Republic of Armenia.

Father: Zul’fughar Ibraghimov Ali, mother: Aida Galal Ibraghimova.

In 1985 entered a secondary school.

In 1987 moved to Donetsk, Ukraine.

Continued studying at school for two years.

Since 1987 began professionally train Kickboxing.

The best achievements: three times Champion of the World, four times Champion of Eurasia.

In 1989 moved with his parents to Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan.

In 1995 successfully finished the local school №178.

Since 1996 till1998 served in army.

In1998 began the trainers activity in a junior team (till 2004)

After the termination of the army service he entered The University of Computer Technologies, on a faculty of “Economy and Computer Science”.

In 2002 successfully finished studying at the University.

Did not work by occupation due to the professional sport career.

In 2004 moved to Saint Petersburg, Russia on a permanent address.

Married in 2004 year. Wife: Leyla Ibraghimova.

Nowadays working as a trainer in a sport club - “EAGLE”.



1) Three times Champion of the Republic Azerbaijan.

2) Two times Cup Winner of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

3) Two times Cup Winner of the “Black Sea”.

4) The Champion of the professional competition - “Golden Belt”.

5) The Champion of the professional competition - “Amicable Cup”.

6) Four times Champion of Eurasia.

7) Five times Champion of the Caucasus.

8) The Champion of the Republic Georgia, Cup Winner of the Republic Georgia.

9) Three times Champion of the World.

10) Silver Medal Winner on the World Kung Fu Championship (Tehran, Iran, 2003)

11) Honored International Master of Sports

12) Honored Trainer of International Category.

13) The Judge of International Category.

14) Master of Sports in Boxing and Wushu.

15) The President of Kickboxing Clubs (“EAGLE”) in Azerbaijan and Russia.