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  • InterNational Sport Database
به بانک اطلاعات ورزشی خوش آمدید!                       بانک اطلاعات ورزشی دارنده رتبه اول فستیوال جهانی a78 می باشد!                       بانک اطلاعات ورزشی دارنده رتبه اول جستجوی بانک اطلاعات ورزشی گوگل می باشد!                       بانک اطلاعات ورزشی در ستاد ساماندهی ورزات فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی ثبت گردیده است!



  • ورزش های رزمی مربیان
  • 21058 بازدید
  • تاریخ ثبت پروفایل : ۱۳۹۴/۰۵/۱۵
  • آخرین بروز رسانی : ۱۳۹۴/۰۶/۱۴

The qualifications and training courses obtained :

- Reclipient of the basic trainers number (3) of woshu ( kong fu ) in the period from February 5 to march 25 ,1998

- Reclipient of the first training of kick boxing in the period from july 4 to the july 9 , 1998

- Recipient of the African arab academy of sport in good estimate from july 3 to july 13 , 1999

- He holds asession for advanced trainers kick boxing in the period from august 24 to august 30 , 2001 and appreciated the concession arrangement in the first

- He holds atraining session lash altistani (kong fu ) 1999

- He holds asession the promotion of trainers from 15 / 12 to 25 / 12 / 2003

- Member of the bar of sports professionals at (46979)

- Player of the national team earlier Kong fu

- Coach accredited by the Egyptian Federation of Kong Fu

- Recipient of the first training course for trainers of Altai Boxing

- Player of the national team earlier Kick Boxing

- Coach accredited by the Arab union Kick Boxing

- He holds a black belt 4 Dan from the Arab Kick Boxing   * Many of the positions in the Egyptian Federation of Kick Boxing.

- Team coach Egypt kick boxing Ladies

- Team coach Egypt Kick Boxing men

- Chairman of the trainers in Egypt

- Chairman of the tests belts Arab Republic of Egypt

- Records of the Egyptian Federation of Kick Boxing

- Technical manager for the Egyptian team are women and men