MARCELO ALVARO OVANDO - بانک اطلاعات ورزشی 02177244879

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  • 15477 بازدید
  • تاریخ ثبت پروفایل : ۱۳۹۴/۰۵/۱۵
  • آخرین بروز رسانی : ۱۳۹۴/۰۶/۱۴

Full name: Marcelo Alvaro Ovando. Date of birth: 19/07/1976, Birthplace: Sucre. Nationality: Bolivian. Identity card: 3659112 Ch. Address: Bald Street # 217. Cellular: 0591 - 72896578. Civil State: Unmarried. Weight: 78 Kg Stature: 1,76 TM. Occupation: * Withdrawn of the Race of Accountants office It publishes. University Greater, Real and Pontifical Of San Francisco Xavier De Chuquisaca. * Of the Departmental Deportes & Kick & President & founder Association Boxing de Contacto - Chuquisaca R.P. Nº 148/200 and P.J. Nº 58/2003. * Teacher 4º Dan (Yondan) of Kick Boxing, Full Contact, Superior Instructor Muay Thai * * Sensei 4st Dan de Lohan Tao kempo Chinese Karate * * Sensei 1st Dan (Shodan) of Kyokushinkai Kan Karate * IKO Matsushima Group * * Sensei 2st Dan de Shorin Ryu & Kobudo * Okinawa Ku Shin Kai * * Sensei 1st Dan de Jiujitsu Union the International of Jiujitsu. * * Seriousness, professionalism, sense of the responsibility, creativity, work in equipment *. Presence * athletic Complexión with good presence *. * Immediate availability of Time *. Sport Professional Formation: Degree: Black Belt The International Kick Boxing, Full Contact & Muay Thai 4º Dan (Yon Dan) Organization: Masterful INTERNATIONAL CHINESE KEMPO KARATE FEDERATION: Dark brown I rebel 9° Dan I.C.K.K.F. - President Fecha: 02 January of 2007 Degree: Black belt the International of Representing Jiujitsu 1st. Dan: For Bolivia of the Union the International of Jiujitsu President: National Chief of a main directorate - Bolivia Organization: UNION The Masterful INTERNATIONAL OF JIUJITSU: Hanshi Mauricio Troncoso Gutiérrez 8° Dan Karate Do 6° Dan Jiu Jitsu 5° Dan Aikijitsu 5° Dan Okinawa Kobudo, Chief of a main directorate Fecha: 16 of March 2006 Degree: Black Belt The International Kick Boxing, Full Contact & Muay Thai 4º Dan (Yon Dan) Organization: Confederacao Brasileira Kickboxing Masterful Kyokushinkaikan: Jose Koei Nagata 6° Dan C.B.K.K. - President Fecha: 01 June of 2005 Degree: Black Belt The International Kick Boxing, Full Contact & Muay Thai 3º Dan (San Dan) Representing: For South America, Bolivia - FEDOKIBA Organization: DOMINICAN FEDERATION OF BECOME FOND OF KICKBOXING Masterful: Ramon To Tavarez M. 6° Dan F.E.D.O.K.I.B.A. - President Fecha: 11 August of 2004 Degree: Black belt of Full Contact & Kick Boxing 2nd. Dan W.K.O. Representative: For Bolivia - WKO Organization: Masterful WORLD KICKBOXING ORGANIZATION: Claudius Dark Brown Andrés 4° Dan W.K.O. - Rep. South America Dates: 10 May of 2002 Degree: Black Belt Karate Kyokushinkai - Representing Kan 1st. Dan: IKO - Group Matsushima - Bolivia Vice-president: National IKO-Matsushima Group Organization: Masterful INTERNATIONAL KARATE ORGANIZATION YOKUSHINKAIKAN: Kancho Yosikazu Masushima 9° Dan - President of the International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan (IKO-Matsushima Group") Date: 06 of June 2000 Degree: Black Belt Karate Shorin Ryu & Representing Kobudo 1st. Dan: For Bolivia of the Okinawa Shorin Ryu Ku Shin Kai & Kobudo President: National Chief of a main directorate - Bolivia Organization: Masterful OKINAWA SHORIN RYU KU SHIN KAI & KOBUDO: Hanshi Mauricio Troncoso Gutiérrez 8° Dan Karate Do 6° Dan Jiu Jitsu 5° Dan Aikijitsu 5° Dan Okinawa Kobudo, Chief of a main directorate Fecha: 16 of March 2001 TEACHING: · Disertante Seminary Factory of Kick Boxing, Full Contact & Muay Thai "MASTERS GYM" · Disertante Seminary of Basic Techniques of Kick Boxing & Muay Thai "MASTERS GYM" · Disertante Seminary of System battle of Kick Boxing "MASTERS GYM" · Disertante Seminary of Self-defense Technical Police Judicial "Group GASIP" · Disertante Seminary Competitive Regulation of the Kick Boxing, Full Contact & Muay Thai. "Asoc. Ch. Kick Boxing "· Disertante Seminary of first aid and injectable courses of" Asoc. Ch. Kick Boxing ". · Disertante Seminary of Self-defense with empty hands and handling of Chinese arms Asoc. Ch. Kickboxing ". SEMINARIES · (Sucre, 7 of February of l992) - Participation in the SEREGRAFIA course PRACTICES organized by the Institute of Formation and Youthful Qualification INFOCAJU. · (Sucre, October of l996) - Participation of the course of injectable, the BOLIVIAN Red Cross filial Chuquisaca. · (15 Sucre December of 1997) - Participation in the first course of nutrition, suplementación and system of training (LATIN AMERICAN) organized by the Departmental Association of Culturismo Physicist Rise of Potencia and Fitnes. · (Sucre, 17 May de2000) - Participation of the "Seminary of Update: Law of Popular Administrative Decentralization · Law 1178 (SAFCO) of "REINGENIERÍA" organized by (U.M.R.P.S.F.X.CH.). (Sucre, 25 August of 2000) - Participation in the "COURSE OF Internet" organized by (U.M.R.P.F.X.CH.). · (Sucre, 2 September of 2000) - Participation in the seminary factory of "REINGENIERÍA" event organized by the school of Administrators of companies of Chuquisaca (C.A.D.E.CH.), (C.A.N.E.B.), (U.B.M.P.S.F.X.CH.). · (Sucre, 2 August de2000) - Participation of the "Seminary of law of Municipalities and its Application" organized by the Municipal Government of Sucre. CERTIFICATIONS: ASCENTS OF DEGREE, NATIONAL MATRIX (SUCRE - BOLIVIA), MODALITY KYOKUSHINKAI - KAN: (SUCRE, 15 OF DECEMBER OF 1994): Obtaining of the blue belt organized by the National matrix of Karate Kyokushinkaikai IKO 1, Bolivia (SUCRE, 21 OF DECEMBER OF 1995): Obtaining of the Yellow belt organized by the National Matrix of Karate Kyokushinkaikai IKO 1, Bolivia. (SUCRE, 21 OF MARCH OF 1997): Obtaining of the green belt organized by the National Matrix of Karate Kyokushinkaikai IKO 1, Bolivia. (SUCRE, 23 OF DECEMBER OF 1997): Obtaining of the brown belt organized by the National Matrix of Karate Kyokushinkaikai IKO 1, Bolivia, ASCENT OF DEGREE At LEVEL The INTERNATIONAL, ISESAKI - JAPON, KYOKUSHIN KAIKAN: (6 OF JUNE OF 2000): Obtaining of the black belt 1st Dan the International Reg. Nº 2000 - 00440 Japon, Kancho Yoshikazu Matsushima (9° Dan) President of the International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan. ASCENT OF DEGREE At LEVEL The INTERNATIONAL, PORTUGAL - CHINESE KEMPO KARATE FEDERATION: (02 OF JANUARY OF 2007): Obtaining of the Black Belt 4st Dan the International Reg. Portugal, Dark brown Singung I rebel (9° Dan) President of the International Chinese Kempo Karate Federation. ASCENT OF DEGREE At LEVEL The INTERNATIONAL, WORLD KICK BOXING ORGANIZATION (WKO). (LA PAZ, 11 OF MAY OF 2002): Obtaining of the black belt 2nd Dan the International of Full Contact & Kick Boxing, emitted by the World Kick Boxing Organization W.K.O. and the W.A.K.O. (Spain), examined by the Teacher Dark Pardo Claudius 4° representing Dan for South America & the Teacher Jose Vicente Eguskiza 7° Dan champion of the world. ASCENT OF DEGREE At LEVEL The INTERNATIONAL, DOMINICAN FEDERATION OF BECOME FOND OF KICKBOXING (FEDOKIBA). (11 August of 2004): Obtaining of the black belt 3nd Dan (Sandan) the International of Kick Boxing, emitted by the Dominican Federation of Become fond of Kickboxing, Masters Ramon To Tavarez M. 6° Dan F.E.D.O.K.I.B.A. - President. ASCENT OF DEGREE At LEVEL the INTERNATIONAL, CONFEDERACAO BRASILERIRA KICKBOXING KYOKUSHINKAIKAN (01 June of 2005): Obtaining of the black belt 4nd Dan (Yodan) the International of Kick Boxing, emitted by the Brazilian Confederation of Kickboxing Kyokushinkaikan (CBKK), Yudansha Jose Koei Nagata 6° Dan C.B.K.K. - President. WORLD KICK BOXING ORGANIZATION (WKO). SHORIN RYU KU SHIN KAI & KOBUDO ORGANIZATION. INTERNATIONAL KARATE ORGANIZATION KYOKUSHINKAI. AFFILIATED BOLIVIAN FEDERATION OF KICK BOXING (F.E.B.O.K.I.). DOMINICAN FEDERATION OF KICKBOXING (FEDOKIBA) CHILEAN FEDERATION OF KICK BOXING WORLD-WIDE FEDERATION OF CHINESE LOHAN TAO KEMPO BRAZILIAN CONFEDERATION OF KICKBOXING C.B.K.K. DEPARTMENTAL ASSEMBLY OF DEPORTE (A.D.D.). DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE OF SPORTS (SE.DE.DE.). MUNICIPAL PREFECTURE OF THE SPORT PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS · REPRESENTING And CHIEF OF A MAIN DIRECTORATE FOR SUDAMERICA OF The DOMINICAN FEDERATION OF KICKBOXING - FEDOKIBA · REPRESENTING OF WORLD KICK BOXING ORGANIZATION W.K.O. - REPRESENTING BOLIVIA · OF THE BRAZILIAN CONFEDERATION OF REPRESENTING KICKBOXING KYOKUSHINKAI KAN · OF INTERNATIONAL KARATE ORGANIZATION KYOKUSHINKAI KAN - REPRESENTING IKO MATSUSHIMA · OF THE BOLIVIAN ADVICE OF KICK BOXING C.B.K. · FOUNDING, PRESIDENT OF The DEPARTMENTAL ASSOCIATION OF KICKBOXING & SPORTS OF CONTACT - CHUQUISACA P.J. 58/200, Nº · ADMINISTRATOR OF: "MARTIAL MASTERS GYM ARTS". · REPRESENTING OF SHORIN RYU OKINAWA KU SHIN KAI - REPRESENTING BOLIVIA · FOR BOLIVIA OF THE UNION THE JIUJITSU INTERNATIONAL * PRIVATE SECURITY. * SECURITY IN GREAT SURFACES. EXPERIENCE * SELF-PROTECTION. SPECIAL OPERATIONS * EXPERT IN CONDUCTION. * EXPERT IN SELF-DEFENSE. POLICE OFFICERS * PROTECTION OF PERSONALITIES And INSTITUTIONS. * PROTECTION OF CHIEFS OF STATE And INSTITUTIONS. * RENDERING FIRST AID And FIRST AID. * DIRECTION And CONTROL SITUATIONS EMERGENCY. MARTIAL ARTS * CAR INSTRUCTOR POLICE SELF-DEFENSE. Sucre- (1990-2001) * HEAD OF PHYSICAL SECURITY "CROWN SPECIAL" DISCOTEQUE CRONUS, MICERINO, RECCEPCIONES SOCIAL. Sucre- (1997-1999) * INSTRUCTIONAL HEAD In charge of The DEPRIVED SECURITY OF JUDICIAL The TECHNICAL POLICIA (VOLUNTARY). Sucre- (1999-2001) INSTRUCTIONAL HEAD OF SELF-DEFENSE, KYOKUSHINKAI, JIU JIT HIS, FULL CONTACT, KICK BOXING, MUAY THAI, VOLUNTARY GROUP OF SUPPORT To The CIUDADANIA, G.A.S.I.P. (PTJ). - VOLUNTARY POLICE CIVIL EMPLOYEE, SERVED IN THE SPECIAL UNIT (PTJ). - RESPONSIBLE FOR PRIVATE SECURITY CENTER "SHOPING FLORENCE". DETAIL * OFFICIAL. EXPERIENCE - SERVICE OF PROTECTION PRIVATE COMPANY. PROFESSIONAL - SECURITY ADVISER. - SERVICE OF PROTECTION To DEPUTIES. - WORKS MADE IN SANTA CRUZ, LA PAZ, POTOSÍ & SUCRE. OTHER ABILITIES * PLANNING OF SECURITY PLANS - SECURITY SYSTEMS - ORGANIZATION OF EVENTS. * DISTRIBUTED POLICE COURSES To PERSONNEL OF PRIVATE SECURITY And BODIES ON: POLICE SELF-DEFENSE, PROTECTION OF PERSONALITIES, PROTECTION OF INSTITUTIONS, SELF-PROTECTION. EDUCATION * GIVEN CLASSES OF MARTIAL ARTS IN DEPRIVED GYMNASIUMS, ADDRESSES, SCHOOLS And CONDOMINIUMS. KNOWLEDGE - Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Word - Microsoft Power Point - Paint OF INFORMATICA Internet Explorer - INFORMATICA USER LEVEL. PARTICIPATION And EXAMINACIÓNES IN CHAMPIONSHIPS At DEPARTMENTAL, NATIONAL LEVEL, The WORLD-WIDE INTERNATIONAL And: (Sucre, 1995) to 1er. Place. Dptal Championship. Opened to selective Karate Modality kyokushinkai IKO1. (Sucre, 5 and 6 of October of 1996) 2do. Place. Dptal Championship. Opened De Karate Kyokushinkai Kan IKO1. (Sucre, 5 and 6 of 1997 July) Dptal Championship. Opened Of karate Kyokushinkai Kan IKO1. (Sucre, 20 and 26 of September of 1998) to 1er. Place Dptal Championship. Opened selective modality Karate Kyokushinkai Kan IKO1. (Sucre, 18 and 19 of December of 1999) to 1er. Place Dptal championship. Opened selective Modality Karate Kyokushinkai Kan IKO1. (Cochabamba, 19 of October of 1999) to 1er. Place. Selective National championship Opened of Kyokushinkai "Bolivian Organization of Karate IKO2 - for the world-wide Tokyo - Japan. (Sucre, 12 and 13 of May of 2000) to 1er Place. National, First Grand Prix K-1 Kick Boxing. (La Paz, 29 of November of 2001) to 1er. Place. Championship The International, Glass Bolivian Integration - Peruvian. (Brazil, 28 of 2002 July) to 1er. Place. Pan-American, World Kick Boxing Organization. Full Contact and Kick Boxing. (Chile, 23 of January of 2003) to 1er. Place. Championship the International Guaranteed by the W.K.O., Full Contact and Kick Boxing. (Santa Cruz, 24 of Julio of 2003) to 1er Lugar. Opened selective National championship of Kick Boxing & Full Contact. (La Paz, 20 of October of 2004) Reg Graduates. 00440 Bolivian Federation of Karate, category Black Belt 1st Dan. (Brazil, 01 of June of 2005) Diploma of ascent of degree in Kick Boxing by virtue of obtained it to I title of teacher with 4º Dan (Yon Dan), emitted by the Shibusho Jose Koei Nagata President of the CBKK. (Argentina 29 of October of 2005) Physical Preinn, Technical Selection Chuquisaqueña de Karate Kyokushin IKO Matsushima Group course to the South American. (Champions) (La Paz, 5 and 6 of November of 2005) By its participation like Technical Director of the Selection Chuquisaqueña de Kick Boxing. Ministry of Health and Sports, Viceministry of Sports. (La Paz, 5 of November of 2005) By its participation as Judge and I arbitrate National in III the National Championship of Kickboxing. Municipal government of La Paz and municipal Direccion of Sports. (Sucre, 30 of November of 2005) Medal to the "sport merito" is given in Room of sessions of the Honorable Municipal Advice of the city of Sucre. (Huacho - Peru, 25 of February of 2006) Granted to the technical preinn of the Bolivian selection of Karate Kyokushinkaikan by its honorable participation in III the Championship the International of Karate and Deporte de Contacto. (Antofagasta Chile, 10 of June of 2006) 1º Place graduates by outstanding and participation brilliant in 1º Match the International of Karate Kyokushin Union Antofagasta - Chile. (Linares Chile, 15 of June of 2006) Diploma of ascent of degree in karate Shorin Ryu & Kobudo by virtue of it to obtained 2º Dan Karate Do, emitted by hanshi Mauricio Troncoso G. international Director. (Linares Chile, 15 of June of 2006) Obtaining of diplomas of degree ascent and diploma of representation for Bolivia, in Jiu Jitsu by virtue of it to obtained 1º Dan Jiu Jitsu, emitted by Hanshi Mauricio Troncoso 6º Dan Jiu Jitsu - 8º Dan Karate Do. (Linares Chile, 17 of June of 2006) Participation and examinación in the seminary factory of kyusho Jitsu organized by the Jodoryu the International Ryukyu Kempo. (Linares Chile, 15 of June of 2006) Diploma of ascent of degree in karate Shorin Ryu & Kobudo by virtue of it to obtained 2º Dan Karate Do, emitted by hanshi Mauricio Troncoso G. international Director. (E.E.U.U., 13 of 2006 July) I title of teacher in Self-defense in Kyusho Jitsu (manipulation of key points and points of pressure of the human body) by virtue of it is member of the Kyusho International, emitted by Evan Pantazi 7º Dan. (Greece, 15 of November of 2006) Obtaining of diplomas of 4º Dan (Yon Dan) and of the diploma of representative for South America, emitted by OKINAWA SEISHINRYOKU KARATE DO emitted by Soke Nasiakos Spyros Hellas - Greece.