Error: Unable to set cookie, initialize this class before any html output on page is displayed. FAIQ RAFIYEV - بانک اطلاعات ورزشی 02177244879

  • InterNational Sport Database
به بانک اطلاعات ورزشی خوش آمدید!                       بانک اطلاعات ورزشی دارنده رتبه اول فستیوال جهانی a78 می باشد!                       بانک اطلاعات ورزشی دارنده رتبه اول جستجوی بانک اطلاعات ورزشی گوگل می باشد!                       بانک اطلاعات ورزشی در ستاد ساماندهی ورزات فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی ثبت گردیده است!



  • ورزش های رزمی مربیان
  • 16263 بازدید
  • تاریخ ثبت پروفایل : ۱۳۹۴/۰۵/۱۵
  • آخرین بروز رسانی : ۱۳۹۴/۰۶/۱۴

Faig Rafiyev was born in 1973 in Imishli city of the Azerbaijan Republic.From 7 years old he began to train with Wrestling,Heavy Athletic,Karate,Free-Fighting sport styles.In 14 years old He was a Champion on Heavy Athletic in the Tournament of between Regions.The same year he was deserved to the 1-st place on Wrestling in the Tournament of Regions and Zones.In 15 years old first time he was a Champion of Republic on Wrestling and the same year he was a winner of the Tournaments of Regions and Zones.In 17 years old second time he was a Champion of the Republic  on Wrestling and from that year he parted from wrestling and began to train with East Free Fighting Styles Karate,Kyokushinkay,Ashihara Karate,Ashihara Budokay,Free-fighting,Enshin Karate and Kick-boxing).In 1992 he was deserved to the 1-st Dan Black Belt in the belt test on Kyokushinkay Karate on Tehran,Iran.In 1994 he won 1-st place in the Iran Championship on Ashihara Karate.The same year he was deserved 2-nd Dan Black Belt on Ashihara Karate.In 1996 he was a winner of International Tournament in Kiyev,Ukraine.;In 1997 he gave Belt tests from Ashihara Karate,Ashihara Budokay,Free-fighting and was deserved to the 3-rd Dan Black Belt.The same year he won 2-nd place in the Asian Championship in Iran.In 1997-2002 he was a Prezident of Ashihara Karate Organization.In 1997 he was a winner of the International Tournament on Full-Contact in Italy.In 2000 he was a winner of the International Tournament on Full-Contact in India.Since 2002 he is a Prezident of World Budo Federation Representative of Asian and Azerbaijan.In 1998 he was deserved 4-th Dan Black Belt,in 2000 5-th Dan Black Belt,in 2003 6-th Dan Black Belt and he was a World Champion.For his serves in World Federation he was deser ved in 2004 7-th Dan Black Belt and in 2006 8-th Dan Black Belt from 3-rd World Federation.In 2004 second time he was a World Champion on Budo.From 2003 till 2007 he took hes Team to the World Championships,Europe Championships and Intaernational Tournaments on Karate,Budo,Kick-boxing,Hapkido,Free-fighting and he has about 20 Champions amoung his Tournaments.These achievments are growing up day by day.Since 2007 he is a General Secretary of W.A.M.O. also technical wise president of WASKO